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Netball Yr 7&8 Term 2&3 2024 Registration

Netball Year 7 & 8


Zoey Adams, Chelsea Adams, Bailey Keatley

Venue: Tauranga Netball Centre, Mount Maunganui.
Date:  Saturday mornings starting in May. Grading games are Saturday 18 May and the competition starts the following week on Saturday 25 May. Year 7 start games at 9.00am and Year 8 start games at 8.00am.

Fees: $60 per player

Game Details: Year 7&8 play 7 aside and normal netball positions and rules. Players will rotate around  positions on the court each week and throughout the season.

Umpire: Each team requires an umpire for each game. If a team does not have an umpire then a paid umpire can be organised by Tauranga Netball and the team will pay a small fee each week for the umpire.

Parent Help:

A coach is required to help the players on the court with the rules, skills and to provide some direction of where to go and where to stand. Practices will happen directly before games. Further practices are optional and can be decided by the team and can take place before school, at lunchtimes or after school.

A manager will help with letting the team know of when and where games and practices are.

PLEASE NOTE: As part of registration Tauranga Netball require a parent's email address to keep them informed of netball related matters only (draws, postponements, etc). Your email address will not be shared with any other party. So that you are aware Tauranga Netball also take photos that are displayed on their website and do not allow parents to opt out of that if they chose to play netball. 


Child's name *
Child's Year Level *
Would you like to coach your child's team? *
Would you like to be the manager of your child's team? *
Would you like to umpire your child's games each week? *
Parent/Guardian name *
Email *
Mobile Number *
Has your child played netball before?
Name children that you want to be in the same team as your child
Is there any other information you want the Sports Coordinator to know about this registration?



This form requires a payment of $60.00.
After submitting this form, you'll be redirected to our payment page to make the payment and complete the form submission.
Failure to complete the payment will mean the form ISN'T submitted to the School, and if this is a registration form, your child will NOT be registered.



Empowered to learn | Empowered for life

Opening February 2019

Opened February 2019