Principals Message
Ngā mihi nui whānau; Nau mai haere mai ki te kura tuatahi o Taumata.
Ko Waikato te awa;
Ko Taupiri te māunga; Ko Tainui te iwi;
Ko Ngāti Māhuta te hapu;
Ko Turangawaewae te marae;
Ko Genavier Fuller tōku ingoa.
Ko au te tumuaki i tenei kura
No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
It is my absolute pleasure to welcome you to Taumata School from the privileged position of Foundation Principal. The opportunity to be involved from inception through to creation is a 'once in a career' opportunity; and one that the Board of Trustees and Foundation team take seriously.
Our collective mission is "to provide a personalised world class learning experience that prepares and empowers learners for the adventure that is life". Taumata School will be a place where every one is a learner; where learning is fun, relevant and purposeful. Our school vision lays the 'wero' or 'challenge' with a strong belief and commitment to ensuring learners are "Empowered to learn; Empowered for life".
The Board of Trustees, our Taumata team and I look forward to working in partnership with you as we ensure that Taumata School provides a world class learning experience and prepares your children for life.
Genavier Fuller Foundation Principal
Our Team
Lynette Chapman
Learning Assistant (ESOL)
Nina Leslie
Learning Assistant (ESOL)
Brooke Marks
Learning Assistant
Marcia Hutcheson
Learning Assistant
Kate Newson
Learning Assistant
Andrew Tarr
Board Trustee
Gareth Thomas
Board Trustee
Lauren Bradley
Board Trustee
Mark McIlroy
Board Trustee
Arlenna Porteners
Staff Rep: Board Trustee
Gen Fuller
Principal: Board Trustee